Verniciati o da verniciare

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Particolari verniciati o da verniciare
Painted parts or parts to be painted


Banchi Rotax per carrozzeria
Rotax car-body benches

Particolari banco carrozzeria
Parts of car-body bench


Particolari banco carrozzeria
Parts of car-body bench

Telai per sollevamento auto
Frame for car-body lift system

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Particolare banco carrozzeria
Part of car-body bench

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Dime di fissaggio
Fixing bench

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Verticali per banchi carrozzeria
Car-body benches’ vertical parts

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Big handle

Archi pensilina metropolitana
Arches for metropolitan platform-roofs

Banchi per carrozzeria
Car-body benches

Telaio banco carrozzeria
Car-body bench’s frame

Telai banchi carrozzeria
Car-body benches’ frames

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